
The Grip of Shadows

The Grip of Shadows The Grip of Shadows A short story by Jonny Kansee The Algonquin smelled like old money and desperation. A haze hung over the back room, thick with cigar smoke and ambition. It was a place where deals were made, not always legal ones, but always with a handshake and a wink. I knew most of the regulars – judges, politicians, guys who could make your dreams disappear faster than a bad investment. But these four… they were different. Julian, Ethan, Olivia, Sophia – The Golden Circle. They called themselves that, laughing over scotch and caviar like some kind of secret society. They were lawyers, all Ivy League pedigree, connections that stretched from City Hall to the Supreme Court. Julian was the brains, always plotting, calculating angles like a chess master. Ethan, smooth talker with a smile that could charm a jury into believing anything. Olivia, sharp as a tack, knew everyone worth knowing, and how to get what she wanted. Sophia…

Mrs. Stevens's Death

Mrs. Stevens's Death Mrs. Stevens's Death by Jonny Kansee Part I: The Appartment The stale scent of November air hung heavy in the hallway as I lugged my belongings up the creaky steps of 131 Main Street. My new apartment, a charming if slightly dilapidated space on the third floor, overlooked a quiet courtyard where fallen leaves skittered across the worn cobblestone path. This building, owned by the formidable Ruth Stevens, was far cry from the sterile dorm rooms I’d known in my years as a psychology student at Binghamton University. Ruth, or "Mrs. Jenkins" as everyone called her out of respect and maybe a hint of fear, had built her empire on real estate, amassing a considerable fortune managing rundown properties across Broome County. The building's occupants were a fascinatingly diverse bunch – artists struggling to make ends meet, young professionals navigating the realities of city life, and long-time residents clinging t

Ruins from the Old Country

Ruins from the Old Country Ruins from the Old Country By Jonny Kansee Part 1: A Spark in the Dust The scent of old paper and leather always drew me back to that dusty bookstore. It was there, among the towering shelves crammed with forgotten stories, that Salim’s eyes met mine. We were both reaching for the same dog-eared copy of “One Thousand and One Nights.” His touch lingered on my hand as we pulled it free, and a spark, unexpected and warm, ignited between us. Nadia had always felt like an outsider. Born in America to Syrian immigrant parents, she navigated two worlds that never quite seemed to fully embrace her. Her fiery spirit clashed with the expectations of both cultures, leaving her yearning for something more – a sense of belonging, a place to call truly home. She found solace in the stories her grandmother spun about their ancestral village, a place filled with vibrant markets, bustling cafes, and whispered legends passed down through ge

Whispers of Willow Creek

Whispers of Willow Creek Whispers of Willow Creek A short story. By Jonny Kansee I'd always thought that secrets in Willow Creek were like roots of an old oak tree – deep, tangled, and hard to pull out. But when Emily Wilson died, it was as if the entire town's underbrush got turned over, revealing all sorts of hidden truths. My husband Daniel and I had moved to Willow Creek not long ago. He was the new accountant for the local bank, while I spent my days observing our neighbors' quirks and habits. People around here liked to talk, especially over a slice of pie at the diner. But no topic stirred up more gossip than Emily's reclusive nature and her obsession with finding the legendary Moonshadow Bloom. Rumors swirled like leaves in an autumn breeze – whispers that the flower had mystical powers, could heal anything, even bring back the dead. I didn't believe it, but Daniel, being the skeptic he was, thought it might be a bunch of hooey

The Quantum Conspiracy

The Quantum Conspiracy The Quantum Conspiracy by Jonny Kansee Part 1: Whispers in the Quantum Vacuum The air inside Cornell’s Ithaca accelerator lab thrummed with an electricity that wasn't just from the humming machinery. It was the energy of anticipation, of dreams on the cusp of reality. Professor Naveen, his face alight with a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration, adjusted the final dial on the complex apparatus. Beside him, Sameer tapped his foot nervously, his restless energy barely contained by his lab coat. Joseph, ever the quiet observer, meticulously recorded every fluctuation on a screen that pulsed with data, his brow furrowed in concentration. Their collective gaze was fixed on a central point - a chamber bathed in an eerie blue light. Within it, atoms were being manipulated, their quantum states entangled in ways never before imagined. I

The Shadow Weaver

<center>The Shadow Weaver The Shadow Weaver by Jonny Kansee Part 1: The Glittering Cage The champagne flutes clinked like tiny silver bells against the backdrop of a roaring jazz band, but I couldn't enjoy the melody. I was at The Golden Circle’s gala, their annual display of legal prowess and social influence masquerading as philanthropy. My assignment: profile them for the local paper. But as I watched Julian, Ethan, Olivia, and Sophia glide through the room, exchanging sly smiles and backhanded compliments, a disquiet settled in my stomach. They were like gilded statues, crafted from ambition and entitlement. Julian, the patriarch, radiated an aura of power honed over years – I’d heard whispers about his ruthless courtroom tactics and unyielding grip on the legal scene. He held court by the grand piano, effortlessly commanding attention wit

The Weight of Silence

The Weight of Silence The Weight of Silence by Jonny Kansee Part 1: The Song Within The sun beat down on Sami’s back, turning the metal cart beneath him into a furnace. The air hung thick with the scent of ripe mangoes and overripe dates – a cloying sweetness that masked the bitterness gnawing at his insides ever since he learned about “the Nakba.” He was a third-generation refugee, born into the choked alleyways of Gaza City, where dreams were as rare as running water. His life was a constant negotiation – surviving another day amidst the suffocating reality of checkpoints and curfews. His father, Faisal, once had calloused hands hardened by work, but now they were gnarled with age and hardship. Under flickering lamplight, Faisal would tell him stories - not bedtime tales, but scars etched onto his soul. They were stories of a village lost in 1948, swa

The Devil's Web

The Devil's Web The Devil's Web by Jonny Kansee Part 1: The Raven's Shadow The scent of olives used to linger heavy in the air, a sweet perfume that whispered of Abu Hassan’s dedication to his land. Every year, he’d meticulously tend to his olive grove, its gnarled branches reaching towards the sun like weathered hands begging for mercy. The midday sun beat down on the dusty path, leaving shimmering mirages dancing along the rows of trees. His wife, Umm Hassan, would stand beside him, her eyes crinkled with love and worry, offering him sips of sweet mint tea brewed strong enough to ward off the relentless desert heat. "Careful, Ahmed," she'd say, her voice raspy from years spent under the sun. “Those olives need your touch more than any man needs water.” Their daughters, Rania and Nour, flitted